Nylon cable ties are brittle in winter and countermeasures

This article will discuss the reasons for the brittle fracture of nylon cable ties in winter, and provide some effective countermeasures to prolong their service life and reduce the possibility of brittle fracture.


Nylon cable ties are a common fixing tool widely used in various fields. However, cold winter temperatures can cause nylon cable ties to become brittle, affecting their effectiveness. Understanding the phenomenon of nylon cable ties becoming brittle in winter and the corresponding countermeasures are crucial to improving work efficiency and solving problems.

The reasons for the brittleness of nylon cable ties in winter are as follows:

1. The effect of low temperature: low temperature will make the nylon material brittle, and the molecular structure will be affected by cooling, which will cause the cable tie to break easily.

2. Ultraviolet radiation: The sun in winter still contains abundant ultraviolet rays, which will accelerate the aging and deterioration of nylon materials, thereby increasing the risk of brittle breakage of cable ties.

3. Material differences: The quality of nylon cable ties on the market is uneven, and some inferior products are more susceptible to low temperature, making the cable ties brittle.



The following are some effective countermeasures to reduce the possibility of nylon cable ties becoming brittle and breaking in winter:

1. Choose high-quality materials: choose nylon cable ties with high cold resistance. They usually adopt special cold-proof technology and process formula, which can maintain good strength and toughness in low temperature environment.

2. Add a protective layer: Add a layer of protective cover outside the nylon cable tie, such as a rubber sleeve or antifreeze material, which can reduce the impact of low temperature on the cable tie and prolong its service life.

3. Avoid long-term exposure: Try to avoid long-term exposure of nylon cable ties to sunlight, especially strong ultraviolet rays. Try to choose to store in a cool environment, avoid sun exposure.

4. Proper storage: Choose an environment with a relatively stable storage temperature, and avoid storing it in a place that is too cold or too hot, so as to avoid adverse effects on the quality of the cable tie due to temperature changes.

5. Standard use: When using nylon cable ties, follow the correct use method and avoid excessive stretching or excessive pressure to reduce the risk of brittle fracture.

Nylon cable ties become brittle in winter, which brings troubles to work and life. Understanding the reasons for brittle fracture and taking corresponding countermeasures, such as choosing high-quality materials and adding protective layers, can significantly prolong the service life of nylon cable ties. Through standardized use and proper storage, the possibility of brittle cracks can be reduced, work efficiency can be improved, and a more convenient working and living environment can be created.

Post time: Sep-04-2023